
​The International Organization for Migration (“IOM”) is a related organization of the United Nations and is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration. It provides support and humanitarian assistance to migrants across the world, including refugees and internally displaced people, and is guided by the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM processes your personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles, available on the IOM website.

By submitting this document, you authorize IOM and any authorized person or entity acting on behalf of IOM to process, including collect, use, share, retain or otherwise process your personal data (i.e. information that can identify you), as follows:

 1. Name and surname
 2. Email address
 3. Document content (e.q. vaccine certificate)

IOM may use or otherwise process your personal data for internal administration purposes, which include compliance with any obligations and internal procedures IOM may have, audits or investigations. Your aggregate data may be used to report, monitor, and evaluate IOM’s projects and programmes and for research purposes.

IOM takes all reasonable and necessary precautions to preserve the confidentiality of your personal data.
IOM implements adequate safeguards to protect your personal data.

Your personal data will be kept by IOM for as long as it is necessary to achieve the specified purposes and then your personal data will be deleted or anonymized. However, IOM may keep your personal data archived for the purposes of keeping historical records, complying with donor requirements, auditing, and/or fulfilling IOM’s mandate. IOM may also continue to process non-identifiable data for statistical and research purposes, i.e. generate statistics for internal and external use with anonymized data.


I hereby by submitting this document:

  1. Understand and agree that IOM processes my personal data in accordance with IOM’s Data Protection Principles.

  2. Declare that the information I have provided belongs to me or my family member and is, to the best of my knowledge,       accurate, true and correct. I understand that if I provide false information in this form, IOM may be unable to provide me with   assistance.

  3. I understand that, while IOM will make all possible efforts in ensuring correct translation of the submitted vaccine     records,  the accuracy cannot be guaranteed and comparison with the original records is required for the clinical decision   making. I will not hold IOM liable for any errors, omissions, or any damages or losses that may arise from relying on the   translated documents.

  4. I have been informed and fully understood the contents of this submission. I hereby state that I agree to all the above   and   that I sign the form of my own free will.